Arnhem Commemoration Weekend 2013

I am pleased to report that the Fellowship supported a number of activites and ceremonies during the 69th commemoration. The Hon Secretary and Dutch representative were invited to the unveiling of the Recce Squadron memorial on Thursday 19th September and some photos will appear in the October newsletter.Over 60 people attended the AGM and at…

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Arnhem Commemoration 2012

Arnhem Weekend 2012 The Fellowship’s second AGM was held in Oosterbeek at 1100 at the Concert Hall in Oosterbeek on 21st September 2012. As well as the usual business five new trustees were co-opted for a period of three years. These were:Hiltje van Eck Dutch representativeGerard GijsbertsenCees van der BoschJos HekkingandJohn HowesWe wish them well…

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